Varrock - The Knights
With so many of the traditional Guardsmen of Varrock having been bribed bought by the gangs, King James has been forced to deploy his trusted Knights to police the city. In addition to this the Knights act as the core of Misthalin's army in times of war.
The ranks and uniforms of the Knights are as follows:
Green Knights
Low ranks (Steel, studded leather):
Adamant chainbody, adamant med-helm, adamant platelegs, adamant sq shield
Green dragonhide set
+Arrowstorm drape
Any weapons up to steel.
High ranks (Mithril):
Adamant plate armour (preferrably h1), adamant kiteshield
+Arrowstorm drape
Any weapons up to mithril.
Red Knights
Knights (Rune):
Dragon chainbody, dragon platelegs
Red dragonhide set.
+Baldestorm drape
Any weapons up to rune.
Any armour (for slots not listed) up to rune.
Sentinels (Rune):
Elite Guards
Orikalium set, rune halberd
+Bladestorm drape
Lord Commander
Any items may be worn.