After speaking to several elves of each clans, the council has issued an public announcement for the elves in Tirannwn
"People of Tirannwn,
Due to some recent events, we have become short on crystal to supply our warriors and meet demands of tools. Due to the shortage, we are ask to avoid asking for more crystals. I understand the situation, and we've been using crystals now that our city has returned years ago. Any left over crystals will be used for our guards, scouts, and to improve our defenses. For now, our tools will return to being regular hammers, saw, and so on. The supplies that were given out is being returned to us slowly. We ask all of you to be patient, our safety comes first. Once these crystals return to us, the Ithell will return to crafting and construction what is being asked.
For now, we will revert back to using woods to improve our defenses and meet demands on constructions. Unless these requests are to repair crystals tools or weapons, asking for new ones will not be met until our lost supply is returned. Nothing else will change, our gates are open to visitors and out region will remain strong..
We thank everyone for their time and effort. We will not lose ourselves from what we lost. We will recover."