May as well fill these out from the Wiki...
Island Application
Lythel/Western seas/Lutheenus (if he can be called an owner)/Lutheenus was the creator, though I believe he's left RSRP.
The island was a site of an elven outpost back in the First to Third Ages, but after a massacre was left deserted for a time. Recently, the elves attempted to return to the island, having forgotten its history over time, but once again the majority ended up dead, leaving a single elf alive, Lutheenus, who was driven insane by the souls trapped there. If the island was exorcised of spirits, perhaps it could be recolonised.
Island Application
Dagger Keep/Between Crandor and Entrana/Left to desolation/Nobody
A small fortified island which supposedly housed one of the few remaining living wyverns. The island was given its name after the magi who defeated the beast, as the legend goes. While it's fairly small, it still makes for a relatively good outpost, able to launch ships out towards Asgarnia, Kandarin, Entrana, Crandor, and Karamja.
15-Jun-2015 00:43:02