Bear Welshly Vekon
as a rogue bounty hunter is mysterious and secretive. Keeping mostly to himself and never disclosing his identity, he generally avoids contact with most individuals outside of his mission's oriented direction. The man is most identifiable by the runite hasta he has carried throughout his military career, and continues to wield throughout his head-hunting operations. The man is a known legend in Kandarin, taking up the most daunting of tasks and defending the empire with great effectiveness. His works as a bounty hunter to him are mere ways to exploit his skills when the time of war is not present. He desires violence, and hopes some day to die while fighting rather than of old age or illness.
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¸¤·.¸.·¤´˜¨Live and let Die¨˜´¤·.¸.·¤¸
"Something, something, inspirational quote." -Me, just now.
30-Dec-2017 22:32:06
- Last edited on
03-Jan-2018 17:23:47
Bruce Willis