Operation Aegidius to conclude...
Operation Aegidius, the overarching commitment to secure Camelot for King Rhames, is reaching its conclusion, as all the de jure territories of Camelot have been secured fully for the Crown of Camelot, and so duties here are wound down to assisting with gendarmerie and making sure that the public peace is secure up until that public peace can be easily maintained by domestic forces. This very much mission complete, for the most part.
...And so begins Operation Heritage.
Operation Heritage is to begin, signalling the intention for House Aerendyl-Mathrafal to reclaim the Crown of Ardougne and restore that Kingdom under their banner. This is a response, by the House, against tyrannical and unjust actions on the part of Queen Senna of Kandarin. We hope that the conflict can be concluded expediently, but we must prepare for the worst, and brace ourselves for the losses to come. Nihil sine iustitia! Nothing without justice!
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
17-Apr-2016 18:14:18
- Last edited on
17-Apr-2016 18:14:37