A series of events transpire amid the election of a new monarch to sit the throne...
March to Resswick
A contingent of about three hundred White Knights were mobilized and departed from residence in the seat of Asperton to gather at the Castle Resswick, under the command of Master Watten, a small fortification due south of Crystalmere Pass, a narrow, marshy land bridge connecting Burthorpe with Asperton and the rest of Asgarnia.
The Duke of Lassaria
When Arthan Sterlant, brother to the late King William, resurfaced, many believed he would announce his candidacy for the empty throne of Asgarnia, yet he refrained from joining the contention for the crown, perhaps because his return has stirred the ire of many of his rivals in the region of Blackmarch. For now, Arthan rallies his remaining supporters to his cause and has made clear his intentions of defending his rights to the Duchy of Lassaria.
Hi, I'm Dan.
25-Oct-2019 20:01:36
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25-Oct-2019 20:05:11