Below is the invite each faction head would receive
*A plain white envelope would almost by magic appear on the person of each factions commanding officer, inside the contents read:*
* Dear Heroic Commander of the clearly greatest god faction!
I invite you to send a champion to partake in my grand championship to obtain the powerful relic belonging to my family. I assure you this relic is of great power and could give you the edge over your foes! But let’s face it we both know you will win! But come along anyways, I am a sporting man and even the weak deserve a chance, no?
Attached to this note is the location of Vexing island, the staging for this great contest.
Signed Lord Vexing Day
( this changes for each faction)
P.S Hail Zamorak-Armadyl-Seren-Bandos-Guthix-Zaros-Godless-Guthix-other “very” important gods
P.s Not really Sliske rules! ( this would not make it on the final draft)