Character applications, varying factions.
Jericho Mikhail (Roraria) - Half-Icyene - Zamorak
Samantha Mikhail (Roraria) - Half-Icyene - Saradomin
Midnight Veros (Roraria) - Human - Godless/Guthixian/V*
Artemis Entreri (Roraria) - Human - Armadyl
Sir Oscar Cull (Roraria) - Human - Saradomin
Velka the Sinner - Human - Zaros*
Kiarra "Soul-Crusher" Mikhail - Human - Saradomin
Nathan Soraz - Human - Menaphite*
* denotes some special circumstance which I can discuss with the leaders of each faction, if they wish it.
Not impressed.
28-Feb-2016 23:09:48