I like the newest version of The Gielinor Times
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I think the news is varied between serious matters and casual matters
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I think The Gielinor Times should report more serious and dramatic in character matters.
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But not at the expense of, as you referred to them in the last question, casual matters.
I read as many issues of The Gielinor Times as I can
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I have used The Gielinor Times' printed information in character
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Not sure I've had an opportunity to, yet.
The writing standard of The Gielinor Times' issues is good
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I feel that The Gielinor Times should do more public in-game things rather than being more forum based such as having a stall at market days
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I like the competition and advertisements part of the issue
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I want to take part in the competition, but don't know the answers so can't
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The early ones were absurdly hard, but I think they've been dumbed down a bit too much, now.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.
31-Jul-2013 09:39:25