Ok so I'm thinking about 80k for the claws(thats at 4k a claw which isn't bad for the strength. I'll negotiate of course)
and seeing about 20 sets counting body, coif, legs, and glove things for about 200k each.
That was something someone had recommended me to request so of course I'll negotiate just throwing out a number to start somewhere.
26-Apr-2012 01:34:01
- Last edited on
26-Apr-2012 02:04:20
/-\ Custom Order Form /-\
- Username:Ronon Ravnin
- Name(IC):-the Order lists just the name Jace and a ***-orb frequency-
- Item(s) Wanted:Bulk Order
2 Dwarven Multi Cannons.
6 Artillery Cannons.
2 Bolt launchers.
100 Mithril bars.
300 Steel Bars.
900 Iron Bars.
-a designs for a Repeating Crossbow would also be left with the order forum-
- Description: -note from Jace-
I need this order filled as soon as possible..use the comorb to contact me and we will discuss payment... which shouldn't be a problem. as long as you deliver and keep this discreet.
Thanks man. I appreciate the compliment. We try to keep everything legit so giving the community a real way of acquiring items is the best way to prevent a lot of roflness.
Bump. While I'm here, is there anything that needs to be delivered?
One man's trash is another's treasure, and one man's cash buys another's pleasure.
So I'll rob from the cradle, and I'll rob from the grave; it's just human traffic, and I'm just a slave.