/-\ A.E Transactions /-\
A.E Funds: 623,606,500 gc
Avery Family Account: 395,350,000 gc
Investments: 10,545,000 gc
- Custom Weapons Total: 59,967,000 gc
- Custom Armour Total: 55,787,500 gc
- Ingot orders: 21,100,000 gc
- Building Fortifications: 22,000,000 gc
- Annonymous Donation: 1,000,000 gc
- Ships Sold: 31,470,000 gold coins gc
- Donation to Brock: 5,000,000 gc
- Donation to Dane: 350,000 gc
- Eyvindi Provinces: 105,000 gc
- Renovations: 458,296,295 gc
- Jewelry/Gems: 2,875,000 gc
- Gun powder: 1,500,000 gc
- Gift to Brock: 537,500 gc
- Sold Property: 37,435,000 gc
- Avery Mounts: 900,000 gc
- Avery Fishing: 40,100 gc
- Concendo Shipwrights: 116,000 gc
-Shadow Genic: 45,000
-Grey Corporations: 500,000
-Oliver Ryder: 10,000,000
----All transactions have been done icly----
29-Dec-2011 02:33:56
- Last edited on
27-Jan-2014 19:35:33
Brock Avery