The Kharidian Resource Act - Year 1, Sixth Age
By order of Sultan Feroze, all mineral resources within the borders of the Kharidian Sultanate are hereby reserved for use of Imperial Kharidian Industries. No business or service may use Kharidian mineral resource sites without being a subsidiary of Imperial Kharidian Industries. Kharidian citizens maintain the right to mine or quarry to their own needs.
External businesses may opt to become a subsidiary of Imperial Kharidian Industries group by applying to the Chief Executive, who is appointed by the Sultan himself.
Current external, non-Kharidian businesses that operate inside the Kharidian Sultanate must surrender any claims to mineral resources within the borders of the Sultanate.
The wages of the employees of Imperial Kharidian Industries will be generous, and will be professionally calculated, for the greater aim will be towards broader socio-economic development, not for the enrichment of the few.
Each employee of Imperial Kharidian Industries must dividend of the full profits of Imperial Kharidian Industries every year. Failure to do so will result in full correct compensation post realisation and an investigation will be introduced into how said employee did not receive their rightful profit share leading to possible suspension of those responsible.
On account of any remaining profits entering the public purse, Imperial Kharidian Industries and its subsidiaries remain exempt from taxation.
I give Imperial Assent to this bill:
Feroze I
Tom ~ Player of Oliver II, King of Kandarin, Prince of Albamonte, Prince of Camelot, Keeper of the Legacy of Baxtorian and Vanguard of Armadyl.
20-May-2013 17:30:19