Interesting topic my friend!!!!
As for my thoughts about them.
I strongly believe that if they did not arise and live the life they lived and done the things they done..
Somebody else would have done it so imo, probably a guy called Richardson and apparently he was even worse than the Krays but to this day he is still pretty unheard of and that is all because the Krays refused to let him take over they did what they had to do and notoriously became the best of what they did in the life they chose to live.
Sure many will say "why choose that life, why not study hard, get a job and be good" but even if they chose the nice life with a wife, kids and a job this thread would still appear and the only difference would have been "Smith brothers" "What do you think of them"
They chose a tough and extremely dangerous path to go down and imo succeeded in a massive way.
I understand they did some horrible things but what most don't seem to realise is that in a kinda strange way they also brought a lot of calm to London because they somewhat stopped outsiders coming and doing what they want "purely through leading by fear"
You may disagree with me but they basically single handedly policed London.
They hated "with a vengeance" the reason britain is so messed up in this day and age "drugs" and i think if there was more gangs like what they ran right now, England would probably be a safer place.
Much love
Scouse - Knows a fact about the Krays "They actually murdered someone and put his body in the wet concrete of a motorway bridge just outside Liverpool and refused to ever tell what bridge it was"
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
August 15th 2017, the day Jagex freed me
Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life