I've been using this image that I took during the NXT Betas a few years back. I'm probably due for a new one eventually though, given this was before some of the newer graphical features were added (and before Catherby's rework, too).
This is what my external monitor's bg looks like! My main bg is the same, albeit cluttered with screenshots, but fortunately the one above isn't...at least, not yet
Can't post it, but my current background is a very limited release piece I got through an artist named Ichihaya's Fantia. Fantia is like Patreon, where you give money to support creators whose work you enjoy and get benefits in return.
At any rate this is one of a set he gave out as thanks for getting to 1,500,000 support points. So if you weren't supporting at that time and didn't have enough support points you didn't get it.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
This is what my external monitor's bg looks like! My main bg is the same, albeit cluttered with screenshots, but fortunately the one above isn't...at least, not yet
That cat looks livid.
Haha, not surprised to hear someone describe Grumpy Cat like that