The UK is the only country that doesn't put its name on its stamps - the Queen's head shows that it's a British stamp.
That's good to know! Because I have only seen UK stamps with £XX but never seen the ones with 1st or 2nd without £ on them!
I have over 10,000 stamps form all over the World and still collect the odd few now and then.
I'm not into my stamps as I once was as other hobbies took over. I still like them though.
I have an old 1d Penny Black and a 1d Penny Red in my collection. I just won't sell them. They are safe lol.
If I can be bothered to fight my way into my storage room and find the stamps I'll try and get some pictures. I just need lvl 99 in ratching around in boxes I've not looked at for over 20 years with no lables on.
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