Chapters and fantasticfiction finally fixed the images for Alien Hostiles. It took them about 2 weeks to notice and fix the error. Seeing all the different ways the author did galactic conflict, from a sentient bacteria controlled galactic empire of aliens preventing advancement of technology, a duplicating AI alien machine race destroying most organic life, two methods of time travel hijinks and however galactic conflict is like in the Warstrider books.
Reptilians influencing humanity through time and space in the Solar Warden series is interesting, especially the actual origins of the reptilians and the Grays. Definitely different from the Grays we saw in the Event Group. These Grays are small compared to the 6 ft plus height ones in the Event Group books. I've read other conspiracy books before and it's always nice for one of my favorite MilSci authors to delve into it.
Almost completed his bibliography under this pseudonym but haven't touched his books under different names yet, or the books by his brother. He isn't an author who puts too much humor in his books, so not similar to The Illuminatus Trilogy at all. Unfortunately The Ten Billion Gods of Heaven (2015) doesn't have a physical version.
21-Apr-2021 06:46:11