Surprisingly I haven't read Earth Strike Star Carrier #1 yet. Although I know from my memory of the second book the three consciousness slug aliens do get defeated. What I love about Ian Douglas is that he makes aliens actually alien. No humanoid aliens in his universe.
Great news, Andy McDermott just announced that the Nina Wilde/Eddie Chase books has a 15th book coming out called The Resurrection Key in September 2019. He also stated in the comment chain that King Solomon's Curse and The Spear of Atlantis is coming to North America in summer 2019. While it's way too early to speculate about the plot of the book, I hope the key will be kept by the couple to resurrect some of their dead friends. If so, there could be a scene where their grave is dug up and the key somehow used to resurrect them.
Interesting how Andy is doing a book about something that can resurrect people when David Golemon just recently brought back the Matchstick Man in his Event Group book series. Perhaps these two authors are secretly collaborating for a crossover book?
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty was pretty good. Tempted to read Ann Leckie's latest Radch novel but don't know if I can endure another 300 pages of characters drinking tea and checking their privilege in space.
Icy Spring
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty was pretty good. Tempted to read Ann Leckie's latest Radch novel but don't know if I can endure another 300 pages of characters
drinking tea and checking their privilege in space.
Well NOW I'm intrigued.
Community Manager for Jagex
Finishing up Pynchon's collection of short stories called Slow Learner. A much easier read than his more known novels.
Before that I read Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. I found it so-so, although the last couple of hundred pages was psychologically heavy and very interesting to read. The first half was sorta light social niceties, like Trollope or Austen.
The book I'm currently reading is: The Taxidermist's Daughter, by Kate Mosse.
The book I'm hoping that will be released soon, is The Iron Season from Helene Wecker. Her previous book, The Golem and the Jinni was very good, and I think it's sequel will be great too.
Jane Eyre
Finishing up Pynchon's collection of short stories called Slow Learner. A much easier read than his more known novels..
The only Pynchon I've managed to finish was Crying of Lot 49, and even that was a bit of a task!
I've attempted both V and Gravity's Rainbow like 3 times each, and given up about 100 pages in. It's just such dense prose! Great writing, but so very very intense.
Community Manager for Jagex