Reading a few on Quantum Mechanics now (popular science though) I have no background in Physics so more to know about the science that underpins our universe.
In Particular:
Quantum - A guide for the Perplexed
Reality is not what it seems
The Physics of Every Day Things
Although its not my field I find myself wanting to stray more into physics recently.
I'm also really curious to read more about John von Neumann (also about Game Theory), Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman, sadly I plead ignorance for my lack of knowledge about these three I know what they are famous for but I would love to know more about their lives so that's maybe my 9th-10th-11th reading following the list I have already.
Just finished - Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku, it was ok but it's seven years old now so there's been tiny shifts in areas in the last half-decade.
I also have two fiction books I'll be going over:
Unfinished Tales - J.R.R Tolkien
The Silmarillion - J.R.R Tolkien
(Been meaning to read both for a while, always loved Tolkien so to be more familiar with the precursors to Lord of the Rings will be nice).
I have a backlog of around 8 books to go through now, hopefully one a week.
12-Aug-2018 02:18:22
- Last edited on
12-Aug-2018 02:23:18