Currently reading the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. Strongly recommend it to any science fiction fans - rereads included
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.
The last book I wtote in here I've kinda given up for now, not sure if I'll go back to it - pages and pages and more pages of the same; lost his memory, both have deep desire for each other, she's forbidden <- this written page after page, after page...
I've just started The Edible Woman, Margaret Atwood and I'm enjoying it so far (only few pages in).
Books lined up: Athena, John Banville
The Restraint of Beasts, Magnus Mills
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!
15-May-2018 10:08:50
- Last edited on
15-May-2018 10:09:50
Dong U Dead
Had to return my order of The Illuminatus! Trilogy and Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy because I needed the cash for my new pc on monday. Got my $8 discount book The Berlin Project.