Being a Brit, and elderly as well, I have to say my favourite tipple is 'Bitter'.
There's a plethora of micro-breweries across the U.K. making some absolutely memorable ales, some of which are their mainstay brand and some seasonal. Of the widely-distributed beers two of my favourites are Hobgoblin and Bishops Finger.
In Scotland and parts of the North you can obtain a very drinkable Bitter called 80 Shilling (yumyum).
I suppose Bitter is an acquired taste - some of the Belgian bitters brewed by the Trappiste Monks are excellent. I don't like lagers generally, too fizzy, too cold although the locally made European lagers are much more palatable than those produced for the mass market. One exception being Stella Artoise (or "Wife Beater" as it's affectionately known here due to the strength of it and the fact it is beloved of lager-louts). It's actually quite a nice lager.
The worst beer I've ever tasted is Budwesier - tastes like an experiment in a chemical factory.
21-Feb-2012 13:23:55