Yes, and I think the size of a car.
The one near the Canada border is described as an octagon.
It would be nice for them to
reveal themselves...or will it be swept under the rug. We shall see!
I bet they will randomly reveal them self's at a busy place and tell us tell us that they have been trolling us for M A N Y years.
Now they are tired of trolling and just move on to next place good luck earth!
There are alot of theories on this. I feel they have been monitoring us for more than 100,000 years. They also could have an agreement with certain human entities.
I don't want them to leave. I want to learn about other civilizations.
All they could say is one thing, all other civilizations met the same fate sadly, all destroyed themselves by being foolish on their goals messing with things that maybe shouldn't be messed with...
Not to mention humanity really isn't that smart in all honestly. People are very predictable on failures
"Only knowledge is shared if it's earned, it's all a survival test"