I watched the interview with whistleblower dude and I don't believe a word he says. It could all be true, but whatever he is thinking is not real. He don't know anything. He comes across like a child describing the moon. Except in their version there are 2 moons and one of them is purple. You know part of it is real, but the child thinks the other part is equally real.
There is so much power in wanting to believe. IDK if y'all know about the Bigfoot hoaxer Rick Dyer. Dude had a rubber suit in a freezer with pig guts, convincing all the 'experts' until it thawed.
Then a few years later he is back with the weakest attempt ever, a full corpse under glass and he got even MORE support. Took it on tour until his actual partners who believed learned the truth.
That's powerful!
As for Oamauamau the asteroid, it seems pretty safe it won't be returning any time soon. About 17 more years to leave the solar system, and continues until it falls into another hole.
It also seems clear it was evaporating, and not a Mon Calamari cruiser. Admiral Akbar is not probing our defenses. The other idea of a solar sail is ludicrous. Come on!
08-Jun-2023 16:33:01