
The paranormal & UFO's

Quick find code: 23-24-684-66215560

Jun Member 2019


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emotions said :
Stay informed :P


The Different Types Of Alien You Should Know About

The one at 3:22 has zero humanoid features.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

04-Jul-2023 15:47:24 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2023 16:06:58 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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Children and headmaster talk about witnessing a UFO near a Steeple Ashton primary school, 1977

''The object resembled a huge smoke ring, slightly thicker at the top and the base. It was dark grey and black, and was traveling fairly fast. I don't think it could of been smoke because it kept its formation and didn't change shape at all. Nearly everyone at school saw it. It was inexplicable''


UFO museum
, looks amazing.

['' Evidence may be direct or circumstantial. Direct evidence is direct proof of a fact, such as testimony by a witness about what that witness personally saw or heard or did. Circumstantial evidence is indirect evidence, that is, it is proof of one or more facts from which one can find another fact.'']
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

06-Jul-2023 07:19:08 - Last edited on 06-Jul-2023 12:36:48 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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The story of skinwalker ranch.
~Theory #1: People Are Lying to Get Money~
~Theory #2: Extraterrestrial Visitors~
~Theory #3: Interdimensional Visitors~
~Theory #4: Geophysical Processes Causing the Brain to Hallucinate~

[I'm going with theory 3 or 2]
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

08-Jul-2023 17:24:34 - Last edited on 08-Jul-2023 17:44:42 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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Unacknowledged Documentary stuff

>According to Merle Shane McDowell, he had contact with a UFO which was on radar for
an hour. The UFO had complete control of the situation and traveled extremely fast. They wanted to bring the UFO down.
>A UFO was over the centre of stone henge, it looked like a cruise ship out at sea. It evaded
them and escaped to space.
>According to Dr Edgar Mitchell,an apollo 14 astronaut,there have been ET visitations,crash vehicles,materials and bodies recovered. And a certain group are attempting to conceal this knowledge.
>According to Carl Wolfe, there is a base on the backside of the moon which had geometric shapes,towers,spherical buildings,tall buildings like radar dishes but were large.
>According to Gordon Cooper,who involved in classified programs, he saw a saucer fly over him and put down three little gear and landed out on the dry lake bed. He believed it was on non human origin.
>According to Ross Dedrickson, they have a photograph of the UFO following a missile as it climbed into space. The beam of light from the UFO neutralized it then flew away.
>According to Robert Salas, he saw strange lights at a launch control facility.A glowing red object outside the front gate. This UFO neutralized the weapons.
>Roswell was not the beginning but a turning point. The aliens came to observe.
>If we accept the multidimensional theory, it is highly likely damage has been done in someone else's world.
>According to Clifford Stone, he witnessed UFOs. He saw living and deceased bodies.
>Skepticism is not blindly denying everything that is legitimate. According to Dr Greer, there are 3,500 cases where UFOs landed and left physical traces.
>According to Dr Greer, there are 4,000 cases of UFOs tracked on radar and seen by pilots,photo,video evidence.
>Yet there is a blockage in social media,scientific establishment asking where the evidence is.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

10-Jul-2023 13:46:10 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2023 18:01:43 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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Unacknowledged Documentary stuff

> On May 9 2001,there was a conference about unacknowledged special access projects, are atleast 40-80 billion $ per year.
>They are sitting on technology that would liberate earth from fossil fuels,environmental devesatation and poverty.
>According to Dr Greer, there is no evidence these life forms are hostile. But, a great deal of evidence that they are concerned about our hostility.
>If 1% of people briefed had the courage, this would of been fixed long ago.
>According to Richard C Doty, he was briefed on a special access programme,involving UFOS,the visatation of extratrestrials on Earth. It started with the crash at Roswell. The interior of the craft didn't have levers,flight controls systems that we would identify as. They would put their hands on the controls,and the headset would control the aircraft. The creatures were about 4 feet tall. Some creatures were heavily injured.Large eyes,fingers
had no thumbs.The deceased bodies were placed in a deep freeze.
> Three flying saucers were recovered in the Roswell crash,New Mexico.Each one was occupied by 3 bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall,dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and pilots.
>According to John Callahan,Japanese airlines 747, was going across the Alaska on november18,1986. The radar picks up a target described as a huge ball with pale white lights running around it. Four times as big as a 747. It had 30 minutes of radar data on a UFO.
>Dr Greer wants peaceful contact to advance our civilization.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

10-Jul-2023 13:46:37 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2023 16:39:43 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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Unacknowledged Documentary stuff

[I believe that these ET vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets,
which are obviously are a little more technically advanced we are here on Earth.-Astronaut Gordon Cooper]
[It now seems quite clear that Earth is not the only inhabited planet.-Carl Sagan. He was threatened,so began to debunk UFOs]
[I must admit that any favorable mention of the flying saucers by a scientist amounts to extreme heresy and places the one making the statement in danger of excommunication by the scientific theocracy.-Frank B.Salisbury]
[We now have the technology to take ET home.-Ben Rich. CEO of Lockhead Skunk Works]
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

10-Jul-2023 13:59:06 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2023 17:41:14 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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Unacknowledged Documentary stuff

> There are covert operations and it doesn't matter that you are a high ranking official. It's on a need to know basis.
>There are 2-6 highly intelligent civilizations just in our milky way galaxy.
>There are dozens of credible people who had their careers ruined intentionally because they tried to come forward with UFOs information.
>Huge progress has been made in the 1920s. Nikola Tesla generated technologies with could power the Earth with free energy from the ''empty space'' around us.
>The energy device from the alien craft could power a watch,city.
>A free energy society in which the cost of manufacturing towards zero would mean
endless abundance on Earth. This is the society we could of had a century ago.
>Transportation,how we build homes,governed our lives would be completely different.
>We should be at-least a 100 years ahead by now .The macro economic hoarder such as
fossil fuels,industrial elites,corporations would be completely transformed.
>Some of the breakthroughs have been deliberately ceased . Such as a car functioning on water by Stanley Meyer.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

10-Jul-2023 13:59:19 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2023 17:22:52 by emotions

Jun Member 2019


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The Rendlesham Forest incident

>The incident starts with strange lights seen in the forest within a time frame of 45 minutes.
>It was not a crash of a conventional aircraft.
>As they got closer to the object, devices stopped working,it was blinding,static electricity in the air.
>Triangular in shape alien craft,pyramid.
>According to the tape, the area was blasted/scruffed area,abrasion on the trees.
>There was high radioactivity where the UFO landed.
>The UFO returns and the investigators see strange flashing lights,a beam of light appears from another UFO in the sky directly above them.
>The official explanation is that it was a lighthouse.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

11-Jul-2023 13:51:22

Jun Member 2019


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Unacknowledged Documentary stuff

There were many other things talked about too. What was proposed is that an alien invasion could be staged. Humans posing as aliens with their man made crafts that look the same as the original. The experiments with cattle was mentioned and how that could also be staged by humans to look like it was done by aliens..
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one”

11-Jul-2023 14:25:14 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2023 14:27:37 by emotions

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