Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
Its a game not as well known but tales of symphonia which also happens to be my favourite game.
Hmmmmmm pretty sure everyone knows that one. THe Tales games themselves are a pretty big franchise etc.
Casuals don't count since they're just a cancer to the industry.
Seems like every time I bring it up nobody has heard of it so it's nice to see at least one person knows it. Two days ago I found somebody who didn't know what Ocarina of Time was and I think I had a mental breakdown lol.
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I wouldn't say this is my favorite Gamecube game, but I remember playing a game called 1080 Avalanche. It was a snowboarding game, with great music and trial runs.