
£100,000 for Door bell Camera!

Quick find code: 23-24-6-66232557

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Do you have 1 or a Camera protecting your house.

Be very carefull that Dr might move next to you. :P

That poor guy wanting to protect his house slapped with £100,000 compen to pay the Dr cos shes a snowflake.

Even the canera does not point to her house at all still claims her privacy is broken and citing the data protection laws.

What utter rubbish. She will be the first to knock on the door asking if they captrured any video of someone breaking into her house.

Stupid judgement if you ask me. Hope He appeals it and wins as it will be a slap in the face for the DR.

So be warned you could be next for a court case.

PS. My camera is staying put. :P

PPS. If you want a camera Amazon are selling them now with £10 off lol. Get it while it's cheap.
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15-Oct-2021 17:35:42

Feb Member 2018


Posts: 29,018 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My cameras are also remaining exactly where they are, mine look after me, my neighbours on both sides and a few cars on the opposite side of the street and with living where i do "Liverpool" they have come in handy a few times.

I get it if someone positions their cameras towards the fit 20+ couple who just moved in across the street who just happen to be lesbian's bedroom window..

But in reality, maybe there will be the odd weirdo who would do that but the majority of us with camera systems just want their cars, homes, gardens and themselves and other family members to be as safe as they can make it.

Much love

Scouse - Eyes tell no lies, video footage can be photoshopped!!!
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16-Oct-2021 00:04:58



Posts: 1,752 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have day/night vision cameras around the property, but not a doorbell one. Mine don't have the fish eye lens so they are pointed in specific areas, thereby, not interfering with anyone's privacy.
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16-Oct-2021 05:32:50

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What makes me laugh is the neighbour who lives next door so 1 house closer to her's has the same camera and they never got sued. Yet 1 house further way they did. Shakes my head in bewilderment.

I just can't get over that or the Judge who sat there and said pay the Dr £100,000 compen. Does the Judge know the Dr or what as it's looking a little suspect.

This will take some getting over. Millions of camers around the UK these days. This court case has just opened a huge pandoras box.
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16-Oct-2021 09:49:31

Icy Spring

Icy Spring

Posts: 3,248 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you read between the lines, he had mounted a camera to the side of his house that captured mainly his neighbor's property and falsely told the neighbor it was non-operational when questioned. I don't necessarily agree with the judge's ruling but the graphic in the article is designed to mislead readers into thinking the issue was with his front door camera.

16-Oct-2021 18:28:13 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2021 18:33:17 by Icy Spring

Dec Member 2011


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In addition to what Icy Spring said, the cameras included SOUND recording, meaning that the neighbour and any visitors were having their outdoor conversations recorded without having given permission, and that data was not being stored in compliance with the appropriate data protection laws.

"Her Honour Judge Melissa Clarke said that while Woodard's rights to film his doorstep were stronger than his neighbour's right to walk around free from CCTV surveillance, Woodard couldn't lawfully record audio from the camera, which was sensitive enough to pick up conversations more than 40 feet away"

The judge said:
"I am satisfied that the extent of range to which these devices can capture audio is well beyond the range of video that they capture, and in my view cannot be said to be reasonable for the purpose for which the devices are used by the Defendant, since the legitimate aim for which they are said to be used, namely crime prevention, could surely be achieved by something less.... A great deal of the purpose could be achieved without audio at all".
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~

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16-Oct-2021 18:51:12 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2021 18:55:55 by Archaeox

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17-Oct-2021 00:36:51

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,160 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Please stick to the topic. It's about a Camera nothing else. Your post went way off topic bring other issues into it where they did not belong.

No Politics here please. Forums not for that.

We have a Covid thread all ready so use that instead.

Your personal lifetimes have no place on this thread. It's about a Camera and a Judges decission about the £100,000 compensation.

Post was removed.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

17-Oct-2021 12:28:08

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