I have a great camera just hiding under my gutter. It can be seen from the path and road. Also has a flashing red led light so people can see it is working.
The thing with it is it has Auto Tracking and If there is a sound it will try and locate it and record it. Now I have then turned off because it was just too much the camera is for ever moving even when the seaguls scream. I now have it static on my garden and the carpark where my car is. It records 24/7 30 min files on a 64gig card. I can then view on my phone if needed.
Other Saturday a neighbour asked me if I'd seen anything or anyone around his car as someone nicked his dashcam. He only had it fitted for 3 days poor guy. Checked and saw nothing. I wish it had as I could have found out who nicked it. We all have our suspect who lives about 15-16 houses away even the Police have their suspicions it was him. Just no proof.
I now remove the 2 dashcams from my car when I'm at home. I'd hate to lose over £500's worth of camers and cards and all the cables.
I've read into the story a lot more now and can see the judges position. I still feel she is wrong as anyone can film and record anything thats public that includes andthing around your garden. I still feel if the Dr's house is robbed she would be the first to ask them for footage.
Now if it was Me who lived next door or a commen person and not a Dr would I or anyother person have got the £100,000 compen. Or would we just have felt the camers can keep an eye on the neightbourhood and keep us safe.... I just don't get the Dr and why shes so upset.
I want the guy to goto appeal and win. As now anyone who has a camera setup might be at court over footage and sound recorded. It's a huge Pandoras box thats a about to open.
Millions of camers around the UK and World to keep us protected.
Well of course, you live in one of the world's three most surveilled countries, so you're probably used to it
Me, not so much. Public spaces being monitored is one thing; having my neighbour snooping into my garden and my business on my own property is something else. And that applies even if they're just net-curtain twitching
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
I've got about 5 cameras going from the driveway and leading up to my rental apartment. They are those round cctv type cameras that continually record.
But cameras are quite common now in NZ because the are very inexpensive and wireless.
I like my Cameras. Makes me feel a little more secure in the house or when I'm out and I know the house is being watched. They record 24/7. The recordings last 21 days then they are recorded over. I do not store any recordings.
I also like the 2 cameras in my car and feel safer. Seems odd but I do feel safer. I also don't do stupid things like run red lights or other stupid things that can get me into trouble. I store recordings of muppets who cause me any issues and may or may not send to YouTube car incident video makers.
I also like the 3 cameras on my motorbike for the same reason as my car. I only store the muppets who cause me issues and then send if needed to Motomadness on Youtube.
As far as I know now in the houses thats around me I'm the only 1 with visiable cameras. Used to be others they took them down as they broke.