A quote from my Dad that reverberates through my head:
"Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it a second."
From AA that I need to remind myself of:
"Let go and let God (take care of it)"
One over the kitchen sink:
"Live well...Love much...Laugh often"
My Mom was a gardener (flowers). Many times, as we sat on the patio looking out over the gardens, she would say:
"All I did was plant the seeds. God did the rest."
Over my desk is a plaque that says:
"Go over, under, around or through but...Never give up."
On the flip side, I had a friend who used to say:
"Try, try again. Then give up 'cause it only gets worse."
That's my contribution.
Music is the Heartbeat of the World
Let's flip a coin; heads I win, tails you lose. Fair enough?