A lot of orchids produce aerial roots that absorb water from the atmosphere. The orchid medium in the pot is just to support the plant. I stand mine on a tray of pebbles that I keep topped up with tap water but I make sure the bottom of the pot isn't in the water. I water the plant itself with de-ionised water because we live in a hard water area which orchids hate. Some people mist their orchids with soft/de-ionised water but because of where it is I don't do that. I must go and get some orchid plant food now the weather is warmer.
My husband bought me the orchid several years ago as a wedding anniversary present. I must be doing something right because its flowered every year although, the year I repotted it, it was very late flowering and I thought I'd killed it. It looks like it needs repotting again plus it produced a baby orchid (known as a keiki ) at the top of an old flowering stem 2 years ago. I should have removed the keiki once it had several aerial roots of its own but I thought I'd kill the main plant. Last year the mother plant and the keiki had flowers! Definitely time to cut the "apron strings" and move the baby to its own pot.
29-Apr-2021 18:32:33
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29-Apr-2021 18:32:57