Hopefully picking my car up this afternoon, it's been having some paintwork sorted out - there was a bit of corrosion on one of the wheel arches, so I thought I'd tackle it before it spread.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
My car is in the Chips Away workshop today and tomorrow. I'm going to buy some touch up paint so I can deal with future chips straight away and not forget about them for so long that a tiny bit of rust sets in.
I've never used Chips-a-way, do they do wheels? I've got a bit of kerbing >.<
Yep Direct from Google.
ChipsAway are experts in alloy wheel repair, they will have your alloys repaired to their prime condition in no time. They can also attend to minor dents, paintwork scratches and bumper scuffs. With experts nationwide, there won't be one too far from you.