poor tyreese he has no clue that hes with 2 psychos.. judith knows cause she almoust got killed by lizzie already, but she cant talk yet , and tyreese vs carol its inevitable.
Since the show has come back from it's hiatus, I have really enjoyed it! It has that unique sense to it (which made me fall in love with the show in the first place) which includes: deep characters with a lot of potential development, chaos, horror, suspense.
How are you all enjoying the second half of season 4?
I REALLY want to read the comics, but I also do not want be spoiled. I know they tend to venture away from the comics time line and characters, but in general the TV show will go back to the comic in the end (like who dies).
New episode was completely useless. Beth needlessly risked their lives for what a drink? Her motivation didn't make sense, her acting was horrible, and the chemistry between her and Daryl seemed forced and nonsensical. What a waste if an episode =/
This split up seems quite interesting not like the one where walkers took over the farm and they found each other instantly afterwards. Seems to me like 2 or 3 of the main characters will die before they are all reunited together again.
This show has pretty much sucked since S2. They may have like 2 or 3 good episodes a season and then the rest are all slow and boring. It really is such a shame.