1st moan: The plumber finally came to fix the leak in our newly fitted shower room on the 8th. he also fitted the cupboard handles. Yay! He asked us not to use the washbasin for a day to let sealant set so we didn't use it until this morning ......it still leaks ( although not so badly ).
2nd Moan: The weather is hot and its very dry, there hasn't been any rain for a few weeks. Today I noticed smoke rising into the sky from few streets away. I was worried no-one knew something was on fire so I went and found the house that looked like the source and knocked on the door. I couldn't believe it when the man who answered the door said he was burning their hedges! How irresponsible can you get? He must have been keeping an eye on it but it could have got out of control very easily. Even more worrying there's roadworks being done in that road and there'd been a gas leak earlier that morning.
Wild Bill63
Isn't there a whole topic section called Rants? Lol
On a side note I would like to go ahead and take advantage of this at risk of being banned.
I respect that the moderators want to keep peace but censorship is stupid and should never be allowed anywhere - internet included. People will always have their own personalities, beliefs, views, etc. which they should be allowed to talk about anywhere at any time. Censoring people because they say something the majority may not like is a crooked thing to do.
"Oh you can say ANYTHING but /that/ because it might upset folks" I've been abused and then falsely accused when I asked for a moderators assistance so I tried to get Jagex involved but still I'm the one who got in trouble though I was the victim. It's one reason I've been off the forums for so long.
Will this be hidden? Possibly. Will it get me banned? Possibly. I'm not afraid, someone has to stand up for free-speech without limitations and so far I don't see anyone else doing it.
Its just a fun moany thread about anything mate.
Keep all moans within the moaning rules and just have a moan lol.
Much love
Scouse - This weeks moan is about moany moaners, moaning about moans
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
Im gonna moan about how certain player is only online in game or lobby on fridays.
I find i miss my friend during the long week between fridays.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.