So I picked up the ukulele today and learned to how play in three minutes. I guess because I already play the guitar. Riptide was the first song I learned. I'm proud of me
If you would like something to watch on Netflix, here you go = One Piece
jour vert
So I picked up the ukulele today and learned to how play in three minutes. I guess because I already play the guitar. Riptide was the first song I learned. I'm proud of me
Ukulele? What are you, some kind of hipster?
“Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel: You will fare well if you follow it, It will help you much if you heed it. If aware that another is wicked, say so: Make no truce or treaty with foes.”
- Havamal 127
My daughter also likes to play the Ukelele - it's a lot easier to carry around than her guitars. Have you watched any vids of Jake Shim*bukuro playing? He's pretty amazing.
^ Great player. That's cool, you can fit it anywhere and it sounds nice
Just have to play now without stopping inbetween ;p
If you would like something to watch on Netflix, here you go = One Piece