It's a metaphor for how the haters try to get me but they can never get me cause all they can get is just a bit of truth at time. The haters are hypocrites trying to blame me for everything but they don't look at themselves and look into their heart's to see the truth. The haters are trying to develop all these crazy schemes in their heads like Hymbso did this and that and he's taking over. Hell yeah I'm taking over, I already took over but you are talking like I'm causing the sun die out and famine. I'm the veteran of war of RSOT. RSOT is my battlefield and my legs got blown up by a grenade, my eyes got blown up by a grenade, my hands got blown up by a grenade, my fear got blown up by a grenade. There is a hospital bed and I'm writing my poetry of the dark alley of the dreams I see. There is a cat and it's running away but it can't run away because it's a dead end. The rats attack on the cat because the cat preys on the rats but this time the cat is outnumbered and their claws are sharp and their teeth are sharp and they are full of diseases. The disease is spreading out of the alleys. I'm the cat and I get the courage and I drive the rats away. Sometimes the king rat shows up but then I wake up but I know what comes next. RSOT is really the sanctuary, it's the woods and it's the waterfall and the spring and the autumn and it's the leaves on the road with red sand and raindrops gently falling down to the road. A warm touch but it's just a brief moment and it's over.
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25-Sep-2013 20:53:10