Well that is not the shaved donkey story i speak about, i would show you the offending article again right here but i fear that it may result in a 3rd forum ban for an apparent NSFW post lol.
Keep posted here because it may just pop up at any minute later if the dreaded drink spiker that has been abusing me recently in my "Liverpool is love, Liverpool is life" thread makes an appearance!
Liverpool link is in my sig
Much love
Scouse - Wears undies at all times
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
I have no idea what the Liverpool thread is about... I'm guessing it's like Crocket or ballfoot or some other sports based activity.
I'm better than you, but that doesn't mean you're not great!
I have no idea what the Liverpool thread is about... I'm guessing it's like Crocket or ballfoot or some other sports based activity.
It is slightly sport based but it was originally supposed to be a cultural thread about my city but forces beyond our control made it steer towards football.
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
I have no idea what the Liverpool thread is about... I'm guessing it's like Crocket or ballfoot or some other sports based activity.
It is slightly sport based but it was originally supposed to be a cultural thread about my city but forces beyond our control made it steer towards football.
I have tried to engage your culture in the best way I know how; by laughing at it.
I'm better than you, but that doesn't mean you're not great!
27-Feb-2021 00:17:20
- Last edited on
27-Feb-2021 00:18:10
I have no idea what the Liverpool thread is about... I'm guessing it's like Crocket or ballfoot or some other sports based activity.
It is slightly sport based but it was originally supposed to be a cultural thread about my city but forces beyond our control made it steer towards football.
I have tried to engage your culture in the best way I know how; by laughing at it.
One of our Rescue dogs -- Rosie -- will be going to the Vet's later and I don't think she'll be coming home.
She had Lyme Disease when we first got her almost 2 years ago, brought over from a Romanian Kill Centre. Didn't know she had it until checked over by our Vet here.
It's a nasty illness and can result in all sorts of knock-on effects later, one of which is severe ligament damage. Rosie has in the past ruptured two cruciate ligaments and was semi-disabled on both hind legs.
She's now damaged one front leg and cannot walk or even rise from the floor without help, so since yesterday evening we've struggled to help her eat, drink and get outside to do her bizz.
I'm hoping for the best (a temporary strain or twist) but preparing for the worst.
So sorry Fifi, I can completely empathise with you on how painful this will be. Every time we go through it I swear to never again get a dog as I dread this time coming around, but every time after a while we go and get another one.
I do hope that the news will not be as bad as you think, but I expect you are probably experienced enough to gauge their condition pretty accurately.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, Rosie.
Our pets become part of the family and its very upsetting when they're ill or injured. I've never had a dog, I'm more of a cat person, but I've had to take that awful decision a few times. One of our cats
hated being in the car so we had the vet come to the house when we knew there was no hope and she was suffering.
I hope its not as bad as you fear and that Rosie will be going home with you.