Welllll, as RS is a fantasy game how about making it a fantasy story. You could be a shaman, witch, enchantress, whatever and use your arcane knowledge to craft a dream for a penniless orphan child which inspires the child to do something which makes their life a whole lot better.
Aye, cheesy.
Orrrr you could be some ordinary person who for some inexplicable reason can craft a dream, just one time only. So you make the dream about gene sequences, drug properties etc. and gift it to a Doctor who then discovers a cure for cancer/some nasty disease.
Or craft a dream and give it to a Scientist who remembers it and writes down a method of how to control the weather so no country will ever suffer drought/flood (thus starvation) ever again.
So, my sister runs a short story writing competition thing on a website called goodreads, and I told her I'd participate but I have no idea what to write for this prompt
The prompt is:
You have the ability to craft a dream and give it to someone, anyone. What do you create and whom do you give it to
Craft a nightmare and give to your worst enemy.
Yeah, true. Though I get the impression that I'm supposed to describe what the dream is and stuff
Well, I assume that's what they want you to do.
But, why not think outside of the box? Instead of writing about the dream, why not write about the person (or persons) that you're giving the dreams to, why you're doing it, and the outcome it has. The dream(s) itself can be a side thought, with the actual story revolving around your ability to infuse dreams into people's minds, and how you use it to make the world better/worse (depending if you're the protagonist or antagonist in the story).
And the twist of the entire story?
You're actually in a dream the whole time, a dream that someone else has induced into you.
I'm better than you, but that doesn't mean you're not great!