FiFi LaFeles
No, they didn't. You just made that up.
Yes they did.
FiFi LaFeles
But that's okay, it's exactly the sort of remark I'd expect from someone wanting to divert attention away from tampered-with evidence.
What tampering of evidence are you referring to?
FiFi LaFeles
So anyway, getting back to it. Where is your evidence for the oft-repeated claim that you were here before anyone else?
Well obviously if you can't see by the picture left, you must be a newcomer.
West & drop a single ore
Even if the person was here before anyone else, who cares? Good job, you spent more time on a game and game forum than I have! Go get yourself that well deserved cookie.
If the person didn't, great job, you spent less time on a game and game forum than me. Your reward? Froyo for your happy go lucky self.
And I swear I'm not going to let her know all the pain I have known
Averia Light
Plus everyone else knows better.
As in no one cares about the claims being made.
I agree, they're all " no-ones," & as such ... I was here before any of you.
West & drop a single ore
Yep, we are all no ones and randoms to someone.
I'm in the middle of a discussion with Fifi & I'm waiting for her reply, so if you wouldn't mind to stop shit-posting for a moment or two.
West & drop a single ore
27-Mar-2019 10:56:58
- Last edited on
27-Mar-2019 10:57:31
Emperor Dupe
Well, no, you're not in the middle of a discussion with me. I'm merely calling you out on tampered-with evidence. I have no intentions of discussing something fake and utterly dreary.
You can deny it, or not. I truly don't care. Any more than I care how long you (or anyone else) has inhabited Runescape or it's forums)
Given that the microscopic interest value of having any interaction with you on such a subject has passed, I will bid you à tout à l'heure.