Well a bit under the weather with a wretched, snotty head cold and my Diabetes is messing me about currently but, in the great scheme of things where people are falling over dead by the thousands every day, I I think I'm doing pretty good, thanks !
I suspect my kitchen fitter will join the ranks of the dead pretty soon if he doesn't get a bloody move on with my new cupboards. No one will care about him though except for his current wife and multitude of offspring (maaaan, he never stops yakking and drinking tea).
I never found work interesting, ever. Just an inconvenient necessity.
I did get satisfaction from the various voluntary work I've done over the years though, I suppose because I chose to do it due to being interested in it.
Hey-ho, gotta go. His van's just pulled up outside so he'll be expecting a greeting of tea and chocolate HobNobs. I hope he's got a sore throat today.