No, I am just wondering how you babysit 3 children
My mother had to effectively babysit 20 of them as a Nursery School teacher.
Some of them weren't even potty trained.
Another few had effective functioning of sub 12 months at 4 years old.
And yet even more were para/quadriplegic and had to be supported at all times.
3 is effective nothing for her. Although, technically 2 since 1 is a stepkid and has custody arrangements with their biological mother, so...
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
Team Skull
No, I am just wondering how you babysit 3 children
My mother had to effectively babysit 20 of them as a Nursery School teacher.
Some of them weren't even potty trained.
Another few had effective functioning of sub 12 months at 4 years old.
And yet even more were para/quadriplegic and had to be supported at all times.
3 is effective nothing for her. Although, technically 2 since 1 is a stepkid and has custody arrangements with their biological mother, so...
So how is cleaning hard for her?
She can't do it for extended periods of time as it puts strain on her back.
My question is: Why are you so visceral in trying to defend my bum of an eldest sister? Do you see something in her that maybe you see in yourself, just like our friend Zion? Is it, dare I say,
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
I'm not defending your sister. I am wondering why people think it is better or even okay to leave children in the care of people who are too disabled to clean, since you want to call child protection over some dirty plates, how is your mother meant to keep the place clean when child minding, and therefore stop child protection taking your family members away while their mother is working then?
I'm not defending your sister. I am wondering why people think it is better or even okay to leave children in the care of people who are too disabled to clean, since you want to call child protection over some dirty plates, how is your mother meant to keep the place clean when child minding, and therefore stop child protection taking your family members away while their mother is working then?
Personally speaking, I think the better question is:
Why have kids you're not exactly in a suitable position to be having and inconveniencing others so you can continue breeding?
Also, the sheer fact you think it's about dirty plates just tells me you're downplaying the issue. Then again, I'm not exactly surprised considering you are/were experimenting with acid.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
02-Sep-2017 13:23:14
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02-Sep-2017 13:25:00
Team Skull
Went with my friend to a Rescue kennel this morning. She came home with a sweet little thing called Jessie - black and white marle, looks like a bit of Spaniel, Pug and about 20 other flavours. She's obviously been used for breeding but was left tied to some railings. A really gentle l'il cuddlemonkey.
So many dogs there with their faces pressed to the bars and hope shining in their eyes. Broke my heart walking past them all but I was under strict instructions "NO MORE YET!!"
FiFi LaFeles
So many dogs there with their faces pressed to the bars and hope shining in their eyes. Broke my heart walking past them all but I was under strict instructions "NO MORE YET!!"
Take Mr Weazle with you next time 'just for a visit and to show support for the work they do' and wait for him to fall in love with one of them!
Team Skull
I'm not defending your sister. I am wondering why people think it is better or even okay to leave children in the care of people who are too disabled to clean, since you want to call child protection over some dirty plates, how is your mother meant to keep the place clean when child minding, and therefore stop child protection taking your family members away while their mother is working then?
Personally speaking, I think the better question is:
Why have kids you're not exactly in a suitable position to be having and inconveniencing others so you can continue breeding?
Also, the sheer fact you think it's about dirty plates just tells me you're downplaying the issue. Then again, I'm not exactly surprised considering you are/were experimenting with acid.
I'm not down playing the situation, since you are literally the one explaining the situation.
You have a problem. You have given your opinion on a solution, and I am doing the bit you and Jagex forget which is thinking it through, except I don't have to because I am not dumb, so more trying to let you think it through, so you realise that you are dumb and it is a stupid solution. So since you want to ask questions about not having children when someone already has one and one on the way I can see why you are stuck and quite useless and should as I said before just shut up.
02-Sep-2017 13:57:10
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02-Sep-2017 13:57:48
I'm not down playing the situation, since you are literally the one explaining the situation.
Considering everyone else has been able to understand the entire situation while you're still on about dishes, it's pretty indicative that you're downplaying the situation.
except I don't have to because I am not dumb, so more trying to let you think it through, so you realise that you are dumb and it is a stupid solution.
So since you want to ask questions about not having children when someone already has one and one on the way I can see why you are stuck and quite useless and should as I said before just shut up.
You seem quite triggered with this last remark. Do you need a hug?
Oh, and fucking make me shut up. You won't.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor