It's more like 'keep people from posting about certain content'. People are generally entitled to like what they want as far as I'm concerned, but the 'Big 3' (and associated) are a malignant cancer when it comes to the anime fandom, being as mediocre as they can and pulling would-be anime fans into a rutt where their entire anime world begins and ends with titles who's manga are published in Shonen Jump. The long time regulars here recognize this, and try to sway people off those shows or, failing that, at least try to prevent discussion of those shows dominating.
Believe me, it happens. Because the 'general' fanbase for the 'big 3+' is far wider than the English speaking anime consumer base in and of itself, there is a distinct risk of discussion about those particular inane shows taking over a thread that is devoted to anime in general (see the aforementioned quote page).
This is just one of those things where you need to adhere to the social construct of the day, becasue this thread is a very small club of regulars. You dont have to as far as the rules are concerned, but becasue of those existing social constructs you'll find if you dont you wont be very welcome.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that talking about the Shonen Jump type series here is like wearing an 'I love blacks' shirt to a KK Klan rally, or wearing an 'I love Calculus' shirt to a house party.
17-Dec-2013 02:00:39