I'm so glad i'm with like minded, Otaku, anime loving people!
I'm not trying to sound pedantic or anything, but when did Anime become synonymous with Ecchi and fanservice?
Ugh. Well, i'm yet to watch the movie, but I loved the series. Who's your favorite character? I think even though I enjoyed Spike and Jet, Edward had to be the comic relief. I mean, come on! You always wanted to know what she was doing in every episode, she is purely there for the lolz.
I'm not trying to sound pedantic or anything, but when did Anime become synonymous with Ecchi and fanservice?
Hot anime girls sell. Just look at how Anno copped out in Eva 3.33, one of the writers even admitted that Mari was created just because they wanted to put more girls in the lineup.
I found that funny. They really did throw Mari in just because. Anno said he initially had no idea what to do with her character after he put her in there. Though he said recently that he will have her to play a big role in Eva 4.0 so her character isn't for naught.
Kurai Haruna
Strike the Blood vs Tokyo Ravens - Which one do you find better?
Both shows are good imo
Strike The Blood
action scenes in Strike The blood are fine but not that great.
I don't like the character designs though, in the manga the character designs are much BETTER, i wish they had implemented the manga character designs.
Tokyo Ravens
Tokyo ravens has nice voice actors,visuals, OP/ED songs, action scenes although the CG in action scenes mainly to depict the Shik*gamis/Familiars seems out of place sometimes, other than CG everything is fine.
As i have read the Light Novel of Tokyo Ravens which shows the anime will get alot better in the future since they don't cut anything from the source material i find Tokyo Ravens better.