I haven't even payed any attention to this new season, the internet has been so slow I'm still stuck somewhere around late August/ early September as far as anime is concerned. Spose I should take a look...
Right, so I'll do the usual and watch the first episode of more or less everything for an episode or two, though, like usual, there's not a whole lot of things here that I can say that I am especially looking forward to. My thoughts on this season where they extend beyond 'meh' or 'that looks cute' or 'psychological horror, count me in' are as follow....
Little Busters: Refrain
No surprise here I'm sure. I may moan about the way JC staff handles things and the fact that it's still not KyoAni, but there is something to be said about finally seeing something I adore so much in motion.
Kyoukai no Kanata
I make a point of giving everything that comes from KyoAni a go, since it always looks so damn good. Even with show's with simple art styles like Nichijou, nothing gets pulled. Saw the trailer for this at one point and liked it, though it was a while ago so I cant remember why. As usual, pretty colored promo art lures me in.
Log horizon
I'm always wary of the 'theme band-wagons' that are the result of a successful and popular anime. Someone comes out with something that moves units (in this case, SAO) and all of the sudden there are more anime with the same themes trying to get a slice of the pie. I'm no SAO worshiper, but I find the idea of displacing humans from the regular rules of society into another one, especially one where they have to form their own system of working with and against one another in a scenario where the rules they are used to may not be effective, to be fascinating.
Real life -> Videogame type series always have the potential to explore this theme, and hence, I will watch.
Yeah, thats really it as far as 'thoughts' go. Not a lot happens in my head, at least not in any tangible and wordable form.
03-Oct-2013 02:21:06