Wrong with liking it, nothing save for maybe a slight question to be raised concerning the person in questions tolerance for idealistic prattle and painful mediocrity.
Narutard is a step up, or down rather, a person who's entire existence within the anime collective fandom is comprised of works that you would find in Shonen Jump or one of its sister magazines, which they worship as though they are the epitome of creative fiction, and actively avoid or even LOOK DOWN upon other anime. This bites becasue these sorts of people are selectively blind to the fact that the bulk of the shonen genre is an endless retread of itself, recycling plot points, dues ex machina resolutions and one-sided, black and white idealist notions of justice, friendship and comradery (which makes me want to vomit, I might add).
So, in summation, there is little wrong with liking the show perse, but if you think its the best thing since sliced bread then...
In expansion, since I am on the subject I would like to 'for the record' my opposition to idealism. Works that profess black and white, light and dark, good and evil concepts of justice (superhero comics being the worst offenders) are one of the things that annoy me most in fiction becasue they present an unrealistic portrayal that seeps into the collective unconscious of society, one of the few places were people stop being able to differentiate between reality and fiction on an unconscious level.
Life experience and my education in the law and justice sector has lead me to believe that these idealistic portrayals of justice and the dichotomy of right and wrong are a cancer. The man in the dock is very rarely as 'evil' as the masses believe while they bay for his blood. Justice, true justice as written by the word of law, means that justice is for everyone including the accused, and extends far deeper than guilt or innocence. This is rarely presented in media, where the hero and villan are always clear.
22-Aug-2013 16:45:11