Not to mention that they seem to have an annoying tendency to load up the script with profanities that weren't there in the original dialogue. I was listening to a podcast today that featured an interview with one of Funi's script adaptation writers and he was talking about the way they justify going off on tangents from the original dialogue in order to achieve what they consider to be the intended result, and I was just thinking to myself 'see, this is the reason I don't watched dubs, you guys don't get it at all'.
Although I'm a sub lover and always will be, and tend to find recent dubs distasteful, I think there are a few older dubs that actually aren't all that bad which, funnily enough, include the aforementioned dub for Evangelion.
21-Aug-2012 05:05:58
- Last edited on
21-Aug-2012 05:06:37
Jesse B77