Yeah, its pretty good. Better if your familiar with existing CLAMP properties (Specifically Cardcaptor Sakura and XXXholic) since the series makes a lot of use of alternate versions of characters from those series (and CCS knowledge does become kind of important at the end) but its still pretty good on its own even if you don't have that, good mixture of action, comedy and drama.
Kind of a difficult anime to get the full experience of with just watching the anime itself though, so if you actually want to finish it (it started to become fillery and then just stopped....) your going to have to read some manga as well.
With the exception of a few episodes, you can watch the anime up to the end of episode 43. After that, you watch the three episode 'Tokyo Revelations' OVA, then read the manga from chapter 136 - chapter 166, then there's a second set of OVA's (shunraiki), then after them you read from chapter 183 until the end of the manga.
30-Apr-2012 07:35:51