If you asked the Japanese, they would disagree, though what the West calls anime is different to what the Japanese call anime. Namely Westerners only count animation from japan as anime, while in Japan that is the term for animation and therefore covers animation.
To summarise, in English, there is a distinction between anime and animation, namely that the former is s specific branch of the latter, that branch being decided by a national boundary, hence in common Western parlance, Avatar would not be seen as falling under the category of "anime" despite being an animation, as it was not created in Japan.
My summaries are longer than what they're summarising, because that's how I roll.
Oh, and pretty much everything about 'Gai Tsutsugami's character from Guilty Crown screams "messily killed off part-way through the series" to me, so if he survives the series (or even to the last episode) I'll be very surprised. You heard it here first folks.
29-Sep-2011 16:33:00