@luffy for an awesom ecchi anime that has some lack of sense since they decided to avoid very important parts of the manga in the ovas i recommend you To Love Ru, 2nd season is called Motto to love Ru, and the ovas go inbetween them.
@Marineford...lmao i was thinking to myself the other day the exact same thing, Misty rules.Only the Pokemon seasons with misty in them are descent =P.
Helsing ova 8 was awesoomeee...can´t wait another 6 months =(... for the 9 to come out =).
Kmisama no Memechou is a really good anime, the thing is that it doesn´t seem to go anywhere.
30-Jul-2011 20:27:14
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30-Jul-2011 20:33:07