No, im saying to be a weaboo you have to ACT like a weaboo, not just be knowledgeable on about anime or japan.
Here, read this:
A negative term directed to anyone overly obsessed with Japanese culture to the point where they become annoying.Used frequently on the image boards of [site].
Most weaboos are uneducated about their obsession of choice and are often noobs who are overly zealous, trying to impress others with their otaku knowledge. Another trait of a weaboo is their desire to "be Japanese". While the two terms are often fused together, weaboos are very different from anime fans or enthusiasts.
A fan may be just as enthusiastic and knowlegable about Japanese culture, mainly anime, but they neither boast about their knowledge nor call themselves otaku(because of its known negative connatation). <--note that this word, when used in its westernised variety, changed meaning. By this i refered to myself as a collector and enthusiast, not a person who's life is built on anime.
02-Jul-2010 09:31:26
- Last edited on
02-Jul-2010 09:33:21
Jesse B77