Quasi-review of Anohana:
Anohana is overrated. Way too melodramatic. The characters cry in like every single episode. The anime is obviously trying to stir up emotions, and it's pathetic. The show has no subtlety.
JintainxMenma is probably the most annoying couple in anime history. They have no character development other than Jintain makes friends and Menma cries 50 times.
The first episode was pretty good and some others were too. But the last episode felt rushed, and did I mention they spent most of the time crying and it felt disingenious.
How pathetic is it that the anime tries to "seem realistic" by making the characters suddenly transition from crying to laughing like it's a human reaction/situation. It's NOT realistic. AND I nearly barfed when Yukiatsu called Jintain "leader" and put his arm around him - so out of character.
Anohana is such a shameless anime in its persistent begging for tears. The emotions felt fake and forced. So many plotholes and *facepalm* moments.
Please do not compared Clannad and Clannad After Story to this anime. Clannad and CLannad After Story were masterpieces and deserved the tear-jerking moments. There was no catharsis at the end of Anohana. Only a bunch of lols and facepalms.
I'd give Anohana a 6-7.5/10
26-Jun-2011 07:12:25