has anyone seen baka to test to shoukanjuu? funniest anime D:
angel beats was really good too, best anime of the year probably.
i hope they make another anime like code geass tho >.<, well, gundam uc (unicorn) would be coming out in a months time, 6 1 hr episodes ftw? ;D
well least naruto shippuden 168 and 169 was way better than that horrible 167 except the end.
which make me happy coz 167 was just bad seriously half of the fight was just terrible references from cartoon. -_-
Why does Adult Swim keep starting Bleach over? I may just watch it online now o_O. Oh... and I caught up with Japan with Naruto Shippuden and now i gotta wait so long to see episode 169...
I'm surprised to see an anime thread here It pleases me.
Found out there's a new generation of Pokemon coming out, along with a new Digimon series already out.
I need to start watching these again. I feel so at ease that way, though I must admit, the graphics and voice actors suck.