@Dynamic Hawk: Both. While its totally understandable (if not exactly 'legal') to download a series which isn't available to you in your region/language, you really should try to buy physical media where its possible to do so.
It only benefits you in the long run, when you follow the money chain and see where it goes: You pay licensor > licenseor has more money to buy new licenses for your region> anime studio has more money to make more anime> more anime gets made for you to enjoy.
And the thing with anime is that unlike conventional media, the industry isn't exactly dripping with money to begin with. Theres to many people with a 'some anime is free therefore all anime must be free' or a 'why would I buy what I can get for free' mentality.
Sides, theres soemthing about being able to hold the DVD downloading juts cant beat.
23-Feb-2011 10:32:52
- Last edited on
23-Feb-2011 10:36:16
Jesse B77